Monday, April 02, 2007

Doctrines and False Teachings

The "Separatist" was formed a movement produced such leaders Martin Luther (95 Theses). The Separatists wanted to remain as part of the Roman Catholic Church, working for biblical reform from within. They were forced to be seperated. The Reformation which is another word for "revival". Luther was the famous who revived (restored). Revive means to "to restore". True revivals humble men before God and emphasize the person of Christ. We must openly discuss with all who will listen, treating all men as fellow men, but we must call apostasy, apostasy. If we do not do that, we are not ready for reformation, revival, and a revolutionary church in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, according to the Scriptures, we must move away from bad teachings which means we are to seperate from those teachings we disagree with. Regardless of the teachings (doctrines), we all are Christian first according to Jesus Christ's teachings (not the Church's teachings). Jesus said that NO OUTWARD CHANGE such as religious credentials, ceremony or anything will change the heart. He told one of the most religious men of His day that unless a person is "born again" by the Spirit, he cannot see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

There are false teachers who are within our faith and using Christianity to lead us from the truth. That is where the most dangerous teachings come from. False teachers can work their way into any denominations and Christ have warned us of those wolves who come into our "Spiritual Church" pretending to be one of us. 1 John 4:1 (NIV) Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

A person like Martin Luther demonstrated the verses below:
To identify false teachings - Deuteronomy 18:21–22; Jeremiah 23:25-30
To identify the heart motives of others- Luke 6:8; John 2:24-25
To distinguish our heart motives - Job 38:36; Proverbs 21:2
To lead one in the ways of the Lord - Hosea 14:9
To empathize with weak and strong - Romans 14:1–8.
To distinguish right from wrong doctrine - 2 Peter 3:15–18
To identify false spirits / apostles - 1 John 4:1–6; Revelation 2:2

What would happen if a church do not REFORM?
Leads to a nations fall - Deuteronomy 32:28.
Leads to spiritual dullness - Matthew 12:1–8
Leads to misinterpretation - Mark 14:58
Leads to rejecting Jesus - Mark 15:29–30; 14:58
Leads to confusion - Luke 9:7–9.
Leads to foolishness - 1 Corinthians 3:18–20

What would you do when you notice your church is changing the doctrines?

Do you keep quiet and stay with the church?


Do you speak up?


If they do not change (reform), will you be forced to leave?

It is important for us to relize that the pastor/leaders-church relationship is very sensitive and vitally important issue. The only authority any pastor or elder has is the Word of God. When you step beyond the Word of God, you’ve overstepped the bounds of your authority. God reveals Himself primarily through the pages of Scripture; that is why I believe the Bible as my absolute authority. We do submit to the Church's authority as long as they are following according to the Word of God, Tradition and Denomination's (or local Church's) membership rules. We must be careful not to disobey God's Word to any church reasoning. God's Holiness, Christians' Standards and Sin. If God was in a church meeting today to discuss a moral change within the local church, how would you react? Would God change His holiness in order to change the church's views on various sins? Why people leaving Churches that teaches God's holiness? Why some are moving to another church that don't really teach God's holiness? Some denominations have "relaxed" God's holiness without God's permission. Just as Luther did when he wrote 95 Theses regarding man's doctrines. I will disobey man's doctrines that may be taught within a local church or denomination. I would rather disobey the teachings of man rather than disobeying God. In Acts 5, Peter responded to Sanhedrin, the high priest that "We must obey God rather than men!"


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