Perspectives on Trials
There are some Christians who seem to look on the gloomy side and never able to do respond in faith to life's problems, instead, they grumble about the trials that they forget God's powerful grace. Peter wrote a letter to the suffering believers and reminded them with thanksgiving that they could rejoice because they counted God's promises and provisions greater than their trials! God will always do what He has promised to do when His conditions (will) are met. We are still living in a sinful and imperfect world, and as spirit-filled believers, we are to acknowledge that perfection is in heaven. Peter testified that the suffering Christians of his day were looking, in faith, to a future state of things immeasurably better than that which they knew, and that state of things would be perfect and complete. Jesus Christ (who is the Word of the Bible) is not properly known until we experience of Him within us who offered Himself to human experience in the concept of "Cost of Discipleship".
Trials (of all kinds) are often a two-sided coin. One side trials may be viewed as coming from God to bring out the BEST in us (See: Gen. 22:1-2, 15-18; Hebrews 11:17). On the other side of the coin, Satan attempts to tempt us and trials to bring out the WORST in us (see: James 1:13-14).
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