Monday, April 02, 2007

Two Wills, Sin and Body decaying.....

I see it this way, "sin" punishes us for as long as our tempory body is alive.

God don't need to punish us until we die, this is where we will live eternally (life or death). John 5:24Jesus said "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." Sin is separation from God meaning spiritually dead facing eternal death. Born-again means spiritually alive facing eternal life.

Sin produces sufferings and this is part of our punishment that we inherited from Adam. Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned—

Due to sin, life is filled with pain and sorrow and suffering. Bad things happen to everybody because we are living in a sinful world. The sources of "thorns" can be weaknesses, insults, distresses, persecutions and difficulties. God uses suffering to perfect His "Power is perfected in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12).

The right perspective is to understand that in the trouble of life this is part of it trying to discern what God is doing in the trouble of it. James says count it all joy when you fall into various trials caused trials have a perfecting work. Peter says after you've suffered a while the Lord will make you perfect. God uses suffering to reveal our spiritual condition. In the midst of the sufferings, what kind of Christian do you see yourself? God answers not by removing the pain, because the pain was productive, rather God gave Grace to endure. In this life it is inevitable and it is useful because it produces the evidence of your true spiritual condition, humility and intimacy with God and allows God to put Himself on display in His grace. "Therefore as, we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers" (Galatians 6:10).

“The fact is, if there were no sin in the world, there would be no suffering. God allows suffering as part of his judgement, but he also uses it for our redemption-to shape our character and build up our faith.” RC Sproul

There are two worlds, set over against each other, dominated by two wills, the will of man (me) and the will of God, respectively. Trials (of all kinds) are often a two-sided coin. One side trials may be viewed as coming from God to bring out the BEST in us (See: Gen. 22:1-2, 15-18; Hebrews 11:17). On the other side of the coin, Satan attempts to tempt us and trials to bring out the WORST in us (see: James 1:13-14).


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