Friday, June 15, 2007

Salvation and Baptism

Regardless how we are "baptized", the key is that if you have been baptized as in immersion, pouring, sprinkling anywhere, since you have become a Christian. This is not any different than distributing the Lord's Supper (common cup, individual glasses) part of the sacraments.

Anabaptist and other denominations baptism have been disputed for so many years. This all comes down to methology and theology of demoninational doctrine of baptism. Of the various baptism issues, the biggest issue was infant baptism.

As for infant baptism, paedobaptism or pedobaptism from the Greek pais meaning "child."

I accepted both Lutheran's baptism view that "infants are included in 'all nations'".
while the Presbyterian's view that infant baptism which is known (to me) is Covenantal Baptism. They are not the same however similar. Because they teach that baptism does not save but rather the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Salvation spiritually speaking faith is not a "choice" but rather a free gift of God's grace created by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the means of grace.

While Baptists, Anabaptists and similar denominations (mostly non-liturgical churches) teaches that credobaptism, from the Latin word credo meaning "I believe" who have made a declaration of their personal faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. I don't have a problem with those views.

However, I do have problems with RCC and Pentecostalism's baptism views.

What's most important is when a person is convicted by the Holy Spirit to be saved.

In my views, I don't see baptism defines a person a Christian but rather the Holy Spirit defines a Christian. Often people are misled that baptism is the way to go which is related to "works". They will "take credit" for their salvation in thier own way. That is why the Apostle Paul wrote, “Your salvation is nothing you have achieved by your good works. It is a gift of God. You receive it by faith. That way no one can boast of his own accomplishments.” Spiritually, as Christians, with the help from the Holy Spirit, we have the understanding of what pleases God; our thoughts, our desires, our affections that are transformed in over time. Christianity is radical because we change from old nature to the new nature, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of God that created us.

The Cross means we are under Grace and that we are to obey God and follow His Word (the Bible). God wants a pure heart from us and He does not need to give us rules in order for our hearts to be pure. BECAUSE Jesus Christ cleaned our sins and all God wants us to do is be Christ-like. Jesus said in Matthew 5:8 "God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God." God wants our hearts more than He want us to follow rules. If we give our hearts to God, then we will know what is sinful and what is not sinful. The best definition of the Cross is this: "Salvation is free, ... but discipleship will cost you your life." (Dietrich Bonhoeffer who himself was a Luthern)


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