Sunday, June 10, 2007


I like this quote, Don't stay away from church because there are so many hypocrites. There's always room for one more. Arthur R. Adams

I know that I am committed to God with every full intent to obey Him, I expect to be led by Him where He wanted me to go. In order for Him to do that, I need to focus on God with all of my heart, mind and soul. I am not a perfect Christian but I am a forgiven Christian who is still learning. This is my own "self-examination" regarding my relationship with God and my local Church. My human nature (old nature) is built upon a balance of my personal interests. Selfish personal interest is the motive behind all sinners conduct. As a Christian, I still can have sinful desires, foolish desires, and proud desires and at the same time, have godly desires. How can I distinguish my desires? As a forgiven sinner, I am not basically good without Christ in me because I live in body that carries sin and my struggle will be in the core of my heart. Obviously, my human heart is very selfish. My heart is the source of my emotions, thoughts and motives. My heart is the place of conscience. My heart is the part of my being where I desire, deliberate, and decide.

As A.W. Tozer said, "It is disciples of Christ we are to make (Matthew 28:19) not disciples of ourselves, our churches or our denominations. Granted that in discipling we can hardly avoid transmitting our own truth perspectives. Yet we ourselves must keep in mind, and those we disciple, that truth is greater than our understanding of it."

I have learned to understand the true nature of the Christian life which is unpredictable and expanding called "sanctification". God does not desire to destroy my will, but to sanctify “my will into His will”. The primary work of Christ in redemption is to justify and sanctify believers. God will use ordinary good people as well as ordinary very sinful people to accomplish great things. Through out the history (in the past 2, 000 years), God uses people of limitless backgrounds who can minister “together” (unity) for Christ. God works all things together for His purposes. I have learned that even though God does not always permit such serious life-changing situations in my life, but He did lead me into life-changing experiences that heighten my effectiveness in the ministry (or ministries) whenever and wherever He put me. God knows how to get results using people like me.


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