Monday, July 16, 2007

Faith, Salvation, Evidence, Ignorance, Without Excuse

It is not you. It is Satan, who will attempt to make those doubt the authenticity of our faith. Romans 1:20 says, "The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen." God's evidences are so clear that verse 20 ends by saying all (everyone who don't believe) are "without excuse."

All of us are born spiritual ignorant, not stupid. Through Adam, we are born spiritually dead. The nineteenth-century Scottish commentator John Eadie described it as a case of "death walking". Spiritually dead people are like zombies--they don't know they're dead and they're still going through the motions of living.

John 6:63
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1-2). The great enemy of faith is a complacent spirit, an attitude of self-satisfaction with the status quo. Faith is believing there is another dimension to life other than those which can be touched, tasted, seen or felt. There is more to life than that. There is also the realm of the spirit, the invisible spiritual kingdom of God.

As I read OP's thoughts, God is a sovereign God and we have to understand that somehow, mysteriously, within the framework of predestination and within the framework of His sovereignty and the framework of election, which I believe in, there is a place for human freewill which is whether they respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. One of the perfect examples of the "conviction" is Jesus' knocking in Revelatoin Revelation 3:20, Jesus said:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Recognizing the Jesus voice is like a sheep recognizing the shepherd's voice. Only the Holy Spirit can prick a person's heart to cause a person to hear Christ's voice. Jesus said in John 10:14-15 I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.

Acts 10:44
[ The Holy Spirit Falls on the Gentiles ] While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word.

Acts 15:7-9
Peter rose up and said to them: “Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe. So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith."

Galatians 3:2
This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

1 Thessalonians 1:5
For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance (conviction), as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake.

God unconditionally elected some (the elect) for salvation and whoever responded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit will receive "faith".

Other than that, I can't say much.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

America Government and God

For years, Christians have argued that the Founders were devout Christians who meant to create a Christian republic. If you notice, the Constitution makes no direct reference to God. The Philadelphia convention was represented by numerous Christian denominations: Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Dutch Reformed, Presbyterian, Quaker, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Methodist, and Deist. The First Amendment was designed to prohibit the federal establishment of a national Church or the official preference of a particular Christian sect over all others. If you remember history, The Puritans set expamples of democratic principles before America was born. The Puritan devotion to democratic principles had an important effect on American life. The Puritans were interested in establishing a degree of separation of church and state because they had been persecuted by the English government and wanted to ensure their own freedom of religion in Massachusetts Bay. They also disagreed with the Catholic/Anglican idea that the church should be should be universal, encompassing every member of the community. This implied a division between the institutions of society (government) and the institutions of the church.

Jesse Jackson on the Larry King Show: We live under a Constitution, not under a bible, under the Constitution.

Benjamin Franklin once said: “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”

What would Luther Do?

What would Luther do?

He would ask "What would Jesus do?"

Matthew 5:26-28 (King James Version)
26Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

In John 8 (King James Version), Jesus dealt with the the scribes and Pharisees of a woman committed adultery. Jesus wrote on the ground.
9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Two-way relationship with God requires our submission, obedience and love to Him. The WORD is Jesus Christ. God's Word (the Bible) sometimes wounds us deeply and it is imperative because through the Bible, God speaks loudly. The Bible illumines the dark corners of heart and mind by exposing sin but reveals the way of rightousness. The Word of God (Bible) rebukes in order that we may see our faults. When it comes to "fornication" or other "gray area sins", this is where the conscience of unbelievers is insensitive to sin and carnal Christians are not sure. The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor. 2:14). Can we trust the Holy Spirit to convict of sin, to reveal Christ, to open our minds to understand spiritual truth? When a Christian who is saved by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, this Christian is living in a new Creature with holy conscience rather than sinful conscience.

We are no longer sinners? Not true, we are still sinners but forgiven sinners when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. 1 John 1:8 If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. God is very holy and very powerful that I am a forgiven sinner. We are to worship God from our hearts because we are the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 6:16), that God will search us and try us, and know our thoughts.(Psalm 139:23).

Regarding Church leaders, unconfessed sins to the elders or similar roles are an automatic disqualification. Pastors are to meet with the elders weekly or every other day for prayer, encouragement and discussing any temptations they are facing. Lack of accountability between Pastors and elders. Elders are our spiritual stewardship who are looking for members spiritual needs and to look at their lives spiritually in from God's perspective. I know there are ONLY few churches that have "accountability" ministry between elders and pastors. We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners. Pastors and Elders are sinners like we are however, they have to live in higher standards than regular Christians because they are our spiritual leaders. The first and most important step in initiating spiritual intimacy between pastors and elders.

They are to meet, confess, discuss, pray and edify one another. Elders/Bishops have oversight of the church (Acts 20:28; I Pet. 5:2-3) and are thus responsible to rule the congregation (I Tim. 3:5; 5:17; I Thes. 5:12; Heb. 13:7, 17, 24). They judge among the brothers (cf. I Cor. 6:5) and, in contrast to all the members, they do the rebuking (I Tim. 5:20) and the exercise of discipline (Matt. 18:17; I Cor. 5:1-5). I have learned to join a local church that have a STRONG eldership that will make sure the Church will stay pure.

A local ELCA Church that allows an "open" homosexual to serve is not a conservative Church. I would not even visit this Church.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I am afraid of "wolves" more than I am afraid of cults, atheists and others. I can deal what I know but its harder to deal with the wolves who act like "wildlife terrorists" that comes in without us knowing. There are false teachers who are within our faith and using Christianity to lead us from the truth. That is where the most dangerous teachings come from. False teachers can work their way into CF and Christ have warned us of those wolves who come into our "Christian Forums" pretending to be one of us.

Democracy, Gospel and Ministry

I will still fellowship and debate with my Christian brethren even though I may not agree with their beliefs. I just don't worship with them and I won't submit to their teachings. We cannot close our minds to everything that is happening around us because if we do that, others are grieved by burdensome legalism. In our Christian fellowship (not individual), we must recognize that the Holy Spirit desires to take us and lead us, and use us as instruments through which He can express Himself in the Christian community (Christian Forum). Christian Forum is an "Online Ministry" that is different, special and unique.

In this world, I have learned that by doing of the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His providence plans and why things are happening around us. I also have learned that democracy does not give me any real power at all because in God's providence, He allowed democracy to basically swamps each of us Christians among non-believers. Through Divine Providence, we have democracy in order to share spiritual revival that only the Holy Spirit can provide. Democracy provides possibilities and opportunities without any restrictions to share the Gospel. Andrew Murray said "Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation."

"The Gospel is open to all; the most respectable sinner has no more claim on it than the worst sinner" D Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Welsh & Reformed preacher and writer.

All beliefs about God are problematic. We are not to believe something that we dare not think over as John Calvin once said, "What we think about (God) of ourselves is but foolishness and all we can say about Him is without savour". We are to expect great things from God while attempting great things (i.e. Gospel) for God.

"You never know how much you really believe anything until truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you." C.S. Lewis
It is better to be an atheist than being a hypocrite Christian. Faith is the root of works that only the Holy Spirit provides. Without the Holy Spirit, the root is dead, even our own works are dead even as a hypocrite. Andrew Murray have said "Self is the root, the branches, the tree, of all the evil of our fallen state". A humbled Christian is a Christian with flaws which humbles them that is more useful to God than hypocrite action that puffs them up. I am reminded of this quote by D.L Moody, "Character is what you are in the dark". With that thought, a true character is what and who you are in Christ.

"Hypocrites we are: but we are on the way to liberation even from our own hypocrisy" Charles Elliott

"Just because you go to Church it doesn't mean to say that you are a born again Christian." Billy Graham

"Some are dead; you must rouse them. Some are troubled; you must comfort them. Others are burdened; you must point them to the burden-bearer. Still more are puzzled; you must enlighten them. Still others are careless and indifferent; you must warn and woo them" Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Calvinist Preacher

"Happy are they who know that discipleship simply means life which springs from grace, and that grace simply means discipleship". Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran Theologian

"To put the matter at its simplest, Jesus Christ came to make bad men good." James Denney, Scottish Theologian

"If God sends us on stony paths, He provides strong shoes." Corrie ten Boom
"I want to lobby for God" Billy Graham

Monday, July 09, 2007

Lutherans, Arminianism and Calvinism

Christians debating the differences in Christian beliefs and denominations. Faith in Jesus is not commitment to your church or denomination. It is total faith in Christ and not in a denomination or church, though you may love the church and respect and love your leaders and your denomination. But your commitment is to Christ. As Christian believers (assuming each of us are a believer), the Holy Spirit will lead each of us to the truth. Truth is often prevented if Christianity is known as a legalistic system which cause a delusion of eternal life.

Heresy is not so much rejecting as selecting. The heretic simply selects the parts of the Scripture he or she wants to emphasize and ignore the rest. Almost every cult which we are seeing around us practices this art of selecting and ignoring. Proneness to heresy is not confined to the cults. By nature, we are all heretics. People often unconsciously select for special attention certain Scriptures that they are familiar with that they forget to check to see the Scriptures for deeper study. Lack of balance scripturally is often the direct consequence of overemphasis on certain favorite passages while ignoring others that are related.

We must hold on to the knowledge that all of us are heretics by nature and can never know redeeming truth till we are enlightened and convicted by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures. The idea that Jesus Christ has absolute and final authority over all of us in every detail of our lives is simply regardless of legalistic control by some evangelical Christians. Martin Lloyd-Jones, one of my favorite theologians said: "It is perilously close to being sinful for any person to learn doctrine for doctrine's sake."

It is no use to deny that Christ was crucified by persons who would today be called fundamentalists. This prove distressing to us who pride ourselves on our orthodoxy. God sovereignly decreed that man should be free to exercise choice that man's will is free because God is sovereign. The love of Jesus is so inclusive that love knows no boundaries. We may be disgusted with their beliefs or their lifestyles. We are often ready to condemn and turn away from them. But not Jesus, He keeps on loving them. During all of 3 years of His ministry, Jesus helped an "unworthy" person more than worthy. The great spiritual needs around us should drive us back to the gospel records of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus. The best thing we know about our Lord and Savior is that He loves all sinners. He has always love the outcast and for that we should be glad, for we, too, were once outcasts. Calvinism is a doctrine of how we believe salvation work according to God's sovereign and the work of the Holy Spirit. Calvinism is a doctrine (not actual salvation). Only God through the Holy Spirit that saves the elect. We don't know who are elected to be saved. We just preach the Gospel to ALL and allow God handle the election part. Jesus loves everyone and did die for ALL but we have to remember that the atonement is only for the elected, those who are convicted by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Lutheranism was all about reforming the Roman Catholic church. Luther and the reformers wanted to correct what they thought was incorrect doctrine but preserve everything else. Calvinism and the other reformers have been referred as if they want to get rid of everything catholic, whether it was good or not.

Of the three major doctrine of salvations beliefs, Lutherans, Arminianism and Calvinism.

In Arminianism and John Wesley:
1) man is free not only to reject salvation but also to accept it (free salvation) by an act of human will;
2) all people who are obedient to the Gospel according to the measure of knowledge given them will be saved (universal salvation);
3) the Holy Spirit assures man of his salvation directly, through an inner "experience" (sure salvation);
4) Christians in this life are capable of Christian perfection and are commanded by God to pursue it (full salvation).

Calvinism has summarized its position in the famous acronym TULIP, and this serves as a useful way to approach the issue (being logical Calvinism is, if nothing else, easy to follow):

T: "total depravity"
Calvinism: Man after the Fall has no ability to cooperate with God's grace in conversion

Lutheranism: Agrees with Calvinism on total depravity

Arminianism: Man after the Fall can cooperate with God’s grace in conversion

U: "unconditional election"
Calvinism: Before the world was created, God unconditionally elected some (the elect) for salvation and the others (reprobates) for damnation.

Lutheranism: Before the world was created, God unconditionally elected some (the elect) for salvation but did not reprobate (chose for damnation) any.

Arminianism: Before the world was created, God foresaw those who would choose Him of their own free will and elected them to salvation

L: "limited atonement"
Calvinism: Jesus only died for the elect, objectively atoning for their sin, but he did not die for the sins of the reprobates. Reformed churches have historically taught a "limited atonement" of Christ, i.e., that Christ's death on the cross atoned only for the sins of "the elect"--those who have been predestined from eternity to believe in Christ and will spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Lutheranism: Christ’s death objectively atoned for all the sin of the world; by believing we receive this objective atonement and its benefits. Lutherans believe that when Jesus died on the cross He atoned for the sins of all people of all time--even those who have not or will not come to faith in Christ.

Arminianism: Christ died to give all the possibility to be saved.

I: "irresistable grace"
Calvinism: In all of God's outward actions (preaching, baptism, etc.) there is an outward call which all receive, yet there is also a secret effectual calling which God gives to the elect alone. This effectual calling alone saves and is irresistable.

Lutheranism: The question is not answerable; for the elect grace will irresistably triumph, yet those who reject Christ have rejected that Grace; yet the grace is the same.

Arminianism: God gives in His outward actions the same grace to all; this grace can be resisted by all.

P: "perseverance of the saints" (sort of like "once saved, always saved.")
Calvinism: Salvation cannot be lost. Those who have truly put their faith in Christ may temporarily lose the evidence of their faith and even live for a time in grave and unrepentant sin, without losing their salvation.

Lutheranism: Salvation can be lost through mortal sin and unbelief, but this legal warning does not cancel the Gospel promise of election

Arminianism: Salvation can be lost through unrepentant sin and unbelief.


Unity and Heresy

We all are bound to confront unexpected challenges that will strike us with the fear of the unknown. We have to remember that faith is effective when there is unity. Any attempt to follow Jesus’ example of ministry will be ineffective unless we also follow His example of love. As we interact with others, take the time to truly get to know them, and let God’s love flow through us into their lives. Be alert to ways Satan is trying to discourage us and tempt us to turn away from God. Be assured that God will give you faith sufficient for whatever you need you’ll face. Let love inspire us to reach beyond our own inadequate abilities and resources and into the realm of God’s help. Be willing to try whatever God wants us to try, trusting that He’ll help us along the way. Remember that nothing is impossible with God. We can experience a miracle as God’s love flows through us.

From my position, as a Reformed follower which includes many of Martin Luther's writings, as well as John Calvin, John Knox and many others. "Reformed" defines the doctrinal beliefs holds that the purest expressions of scriptural doctrine are found in the creeds.
Nicene Creed
The Apostles'Creed
The Scots Confession
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Second Helvetic Confession
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Westminster Catechisms
The Theological Declaration of Barmen
The Confession of 1967, and "A Brief Statement of Faith"

Others I like to refer to are:
The Athanasian Creed
Augsburg Confession
Apology of the Augsburg Confession
Luther's Large Catechism
Luther's Catechism for Children
Articles of Smalkald
Form of Concord
The Baptist Confession of 1689 (original version with Scripture proofs)
The Baptist Confession (Spurgeon's edition)
The New Hampshire Baptist Confession
Spurgeon's Catechism
Baptist Faith and Message

Keep in mind, man-written creeds and similar documents are devices to keep heretics out rather than draw people in. The current division between the haves and have not in this area is a major hinderance to evangelism. I believe that each of us, as an individual, have a responsibility before God, to determine what is true about God and also what is false. What is true about God impacts every aspect of our lives. What is true about God -- not what each of us believe is true, but what is actually true -- determines what happens to us after we die. What, exactly, are we basing our relationship with God and our eternal future? Is it based on our denominational tradition? Jesus said that many people, when they reach the judgment seat of Christ, will find out too late that they were mistaken about their relationship with Jesus and with God the Father. Many people, Jesus said, will find they were mistaken in thinking that they were serving God while on this earth.

What is the result? I do have some concerns with some who are "professed Christians" in this world. What does it mean to become like Jesus Christ? That is the REAL question. There are so many who will proclaim to be a Christian but only few are really Christians. There are millions of professing Christians who "think" they have been justified, who think their sins are forgiven and that they are on their way to heaven, who show no evidence of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many Christians are unthinkably horrified when a real sinner is suddenly discovered among the righteous. So we remain alone with our sin, living in lies and hypocrisy.

Is it important to you to find out? When a Christian who is saved by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, this Christian is living in a new Creature with holy conscience rather than sinful conscience. If we didn't feel the conviction and didn't have the motivation to change from "within", then we should be concerned whether we are truly saved or not. "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." The condition of the heart determines how receptive a person is to the gospel. The Holy Spirit is the key. Faith comes as a result of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit-He quickens our hearts to believe. Apart from the new birth, there can be no true faith. Without the Holy Spirit, our faith and our works are NOTHING.

John Calvin and Martin Luther were persecuted for discovering the truth of "justification by faith." Once this truth was established, Luther persecuted the Anabaptists because they felt the need to bring further Biblical reforms into the church. Looking back on that historically, we see that most, if not all, of those punishments were due religion trying to hold onto its doctrine.

Not a priest nor any other pastor would know if a person's salvation is true. Just as the Roman Catholic treated Martin Luther with ex-communicate. We must openly discuss with all who will listen, treating all Christians as fellow Christians.

Today, heretics often use force to persecute Christians simply because force works and often silences the oppositions. That is why heretics and tyrants use it. Webster defines "heresy" as, "an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards." In 1 Timothy 4:1 we are told: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." We are told yet again in Heb. 13:9, "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace...". Christians are looking for any denominations or non-denominational churches who teaches the way people WANT to hear so they could give their time to pursuits more to their thinking (some would call this 'conviction'). The question become, is the source of the 'conviction' from the Holy Spirit or Flesh?

My thoughts about today's churches and Christianity are this: "Why does heresy prosper in many churches in this world today?" Scripture pretty much explains that that people are more clever and cunning than believers: “For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light” (Luke 16:8). Heretics introduce false ideas in most deceiving ways as the following verses said: “But this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Galatians 2:4) and “For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation...” (Jude 4). They appear to be sheep, but are not; and the ideas they teach, at least at first, appear to be true, but are not. By their smooth words, they deceive many into thinking that they are Christian brothers and the ideas they advance are Biblical.

Are you, no matter what kind of belief you have, willing to change your mind and believe the truth, if it can be proved that you are mistaken? Is there anything more valuable to you than to be accepted by God? Or are you unwilling even to consider the possibility of your being wrong? The Bible warns, "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." (2 Thessalonians 2:10b NIV)

We strongly encourage you to "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? -- unless indeed you are disqualified." (2 Corinthians 13:5 NKJV)

"It is a remarkable fact that all the heresies which have arisen in the Christian Church have had a decided tendency to 'dishonor God and to flatter man.'" Charles Spurgeon.

"I shall never be a heretic; I may err in dispute, but I do not wish to decide anything finally; on the other hand, I am not bound by the opinions of men."
Martin Luther 1483-1546, German Leader of the Protestant Reformation

"A man may be a heretic in the truth; and if he believe things only because his pastor says so, or the assembly so determines, without knowing other reason, though his belief be true, yet the very truth he holds becomes his heresy."
John Milton 1608-1674, British Poet

This may sound like heresy in some quarters, but I have come to this conclusion that there are far too many among us who have thought that they accepted Christ, but nothing has come of it within their own lives and desires and habits! This kind of philosophy in soul winning--the idea that it is "the easiest thing in the world to accept Jesus"--permits the man or woman to accept Christ by an impulse of the mind or of the emotions. It allows us to gulp twice and sense an emotional feeling that has come over us, and then say, "I have accepted Christ." These are spiritual matters about which we must be legitimately honest and in which we must seek the discernment of the Holy Spirit. These are things about which we cannot afford to be wrong; to be wrong is still to be lost and far from God. Let us never forget that the Word of God stresses the importance of conviction and concern and repentance when it comes to conversion, spiritual regeneration, being born from above by the Spirit of God! - A. W. Tozer

I see things and I hear of things that Chistian people are doing, and as I watch them operate within the profession of Chrisitanity, I do raise the question of whether they have been truly converted. - A.W. Tozer, I Call it Heresy

As Christ is the end of the Law and the Gospel and has within himself all the treasures of wisdom and understanding, so also is he the mark at which all heretics aim and direct their arrows. -John Calvin


Friday, July 06, 2007

Christianity and Divisions

Christianity will always be running against the prevailing movement of society with individualistic values of wealth, comfort, as well as doctrinal beliefs which resulted rejecting and intimidating people who get in the way. We are in the world of self-deceit that we are too focused on ourselves to see the eternal truth. It is the selfish who possess the world while it is the meek who inherits the world. When people are living in selfishness lifestyle which is stopping at human flesh and preventing the Holy Spirit transforming them. Church politics, controversies and worldliness have brought in the darkness that people cannot see the light. A Christian's economical life and standard of moral living are not private matters but rather they are critical issues of faith and discipleship. A Christian life in this world should be different from the world, being in the world but not of the world. Hypocrisy is the acknowledgment of an achievement which sin pays to a quality that gives something special value of false teachings. Jesus Christ was executed by people who were very much like us that we are no different because we have been corrupting the Church and allow human reasoning get in the way of truth. Tradition is an important guidance for all believers however, Tradition should be carefully scrutinized (to look over closely and discerning) before we rely on them. Tradition by itself is not enough because it must be studied and be brought up to date to true orthodoxy. When Tradition is supported by the Scriptures, it will communicate not as dead words but rather spiritually alive words through the Holy Spirit. The real crisis today is not between Catholic and Protestants or any other denominations but rather traditional, scriptural and doctrinal forms of Church life.

Love is the key.

Colossians 3:14
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Practicing charity (love) is a toughie depending on someone's view. We can fake other people but we can't fake God.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hypothetical Question

Any kind of hypothetical question that calls on the answerer to imagine a situation that is unlikely to occur. Any hypothetical question may be dismissed because of its very nature, irrespective of subject matter. God's love is what God does, and it is from His 'does' rather from a hypothetical 'can' that we are to understand the meaning of the term. A hypothetical question and answer and we are looking at this from a Christian perspective to discuss. Nothing More.

Essential doctrines

Most Christian denominations and movements share common beliefs in the major aspects of the Christian faith, while differing in many secondary doctrines. Christians believe what the Bible teaches in context which are the basics of what Christians believe and unite on.

My concept of Word of Faith is that they focuses on works in terms of "faith" towards health, wealth and prosperity. I don't view these as the essentials of Christian life and practice. Our motives in our Christian lives should be both holy and genuine. We are to present our bodies "as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God" (see Romans 12:1-2).

I reject Word of Faith doctrines for many reasons. Its a long list. If its a long list, then the doctrines they believe are not essentials for my relationship with God.

Bible, Gospel, Church

The main purpose for reading the Bible is to change ourselves as we read, believe and obey. The WORD is Jesus Christ. God's Word (the Bible) sometimes wounds us deeply and it is imperative because through the Bible, God speaks loudly. The Word of God (Bible) rebukes US we we read so that we may see our OWN faults (not others). The Bible illumines the dark corners of our own hearts and minds by exposing our OWN sin but at the same time reveals the way of rightousness.

Do we accept the Bible as the Word of God, as the sole Authority in all matters of faith and practice, or do we not? Do I accept Scripture as the revelation from God, or do I trust to speculation, human knowledge, human learning, human understanding, and human reasons? It is important for us to relize that the pastor/leaders-church relationship is very sensitive and vitally important issue. The only authority any pastor or elder has is the Word of God. When you step beyond the Word of God, you’ve overstepped the bounds of your authority.

God reveals Himself primarily through the pages of Scripture; that is why I believe the Bible as my absolute authority. Before we blame, we must be careful that we lay the blame where it is deserved. False doctrine and heresy are even worse than schism. If people separate themselves from teaching that is positively false and unscriptural, they ought to be praised rather than reproved. In such cases separation is a virtue and not a sin. Regardless of the teachings (doctrines), we all are Christian first according to Jesus Christ's teachings (not the Church's teachings). It is my belief that gift of teaching is probably the most important gift and may be one of the gifts most needed today to help guide the sheeps to discern the from false to truth. Teahching is part of Christ's Great Commission where Jesus says, "Go . . . and make disciples of all nations".

Regarding the Gospel, in Philippians 1:17-19 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

The Gospel is being spread regardless. People are hearing the word "Jesus". Before we were saved, our minds & hearts were planted over the years about Jesus from various source. Its the Holy Spirit that convicted us to accept Christ. Not the Church. Church's roles are planting, teaching and exhortation. The Holy Spirit is leads people to the Gospel. We are to spread the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will do the rest. Christ is more than a system, tradition, or belief.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Denominational Differences

Denominational doctrines make denominational members. The New Testament makes just Christians. Spiritual Church is "invisible unity" which assumed to be imperfectly displayed, visibly: some denominations are less accepting of others, and the basic orthodoxy of some is questioned by most of the others. Individual denominations also have formed over very subtle theological differences. Most denominations share common beliefs in the major aspects of the Christian faith, while differing in many secondary doctrines. From the New Testament time on there have been people that have believed the same thing about salvation, but have differences of opinion on doctrine.

In summary, Christians believe what the Bible teaches in context which are the basics of what Christians believe and unite on.

Many Protestants follow the Five Solas are five Latin phrases (or slogans) that emerged during the Protestant Reformation and summarize the Reformers' basic theological beliefs in contradistinction to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church of the day.

The Latin word sola means "alone," "only," or "single" in English. The five solas were what the Reformers believed to be the only things needed in their respective functions in Christian salvation. Listing them as such was also done with a view to excluding other things that hindered salvation. This formulation was intended to distinguish between what were viewed as deviations in the Christian church and the essentials of Christian life and practice.

Solus Christus: Christ alone.
The Protestants characterize the dogma concerning the Pope as Christ's representative head of the Church on earth, the concept of meritorious works, and the Catholic idea of a treasury of the merits of saints, as a denial that Christ is the only mediator between God and man.

Sola scriptura: Scripture alone.
Protestants believe that the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church obscure the teachings of the Bible by convoluting it with church history and doctrine.

Sola fide: Faith alone.
Protestants believe that faith in Christ alone is enough for eternal salvation (as stated in Ephesians 2:8-9), whereas Catholics believe "faith without works is dead" (as stated in James 2:20). Protestants believe that practicing good works attests to one's faith in Christ and his teachings.

Sola gratia: Grace alone.
The Roman Catholic view of the means of salvation was believed by the Protestants to be a mixture of reliance upon the grace of God, and confidence in the merits of one's own works, performed in love. The Reformers posited that salvation is entirely comprehended in God's gifts, (i.e. God's act of free grace) dispensed by the Holy Spirit according to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ alone. Consequently, they argued that a sinner is not accepted by God on account of the change wrought in the believer by God's grace, and that the believer is accepted without any regard for the merit of his works — for no one deserves salvation.

Soli Deo gloria: Glory to God alone
All glory is due to God alone, since salvation is accomplished solely through his will and action—not only the gift of the all-sufficient atonement of Jesus on the cross but also the gift of faith in that atonement, created in the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit. The reformers believed that human beings—even saints canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, the popes, and the ecclesiastical hierarchy—are not worthy of the glory that was accorded them.

The biggest thing that denominations do is to give you an idea of where the church that you are looking at stands doctrinally. Denominations are important for aligning yourself with the church and the people that you most agree with. Identifying the differences between denominations are usually defined by the following theologians:

Jacobus Arminius, Dutch theologian, founder of school of thought known as Arminianism.

John Calvin, French theologian, Reformer and resident of Geneva, Switzerland, he founded the school of theology known as Calvinism.

Martin Luther, German religious reformer, theologian, founder of the Lutheran church in Germany, founder of Lutheranism.

Menno Simons, founder of Mennonitism

Huldrych Zwingli, founder of Swiss reformed tradition

John Smyth, founder of the Baptist denomination

Jacob Amman, founder of the Amish church

John Wesley, Anglican priest, founder of the Methodist movement

William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army.

Ellen G. White, James White, Joseph Bates, Uriah Smith, Dr. John Kellogg Pioneers of Seventh-day Adventism.

The Protestant denominations, like Presbyterian and Lutheran were formed in the reformation– and each contain some of the styling or formality of the Roman Catholic church.

Anglican/Episcopalian - Anglicans believe Jesus was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary was a virgin both when she conceived Jesus and when she gave birth. "They ... have difficulties with Catholic belief in her immaculate conception - the idea ... that Mary was free from the stain of original sin from the moment of her own conception ..."

The Baptists come from a line of Anabaptists that were never part of the Catholic church.

The Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses call themselves Christians, but are founded on heretical interpretations of God’s Word based on a single founder’s revelation.

Assembly of God, Apostolic, etc. are recent incarnations founded under the belief that the spiritual gifts of the New Testament area are present today.

Word of Faith focuses on works in terms of "faith" towards health, wealth and prosperity.

Some Christians like the emphasis on sacramental worship as occur in such denominations as the Catholic Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Episcopal Church; others prefer less formal ways of worshipping God, such as usually occur in Anabaptist, Methodist and Baptist churches. Like in life, in Christianity, one size doesn't fit all!

Every Christian must decide whether they will us their liberty to decide on their doctrinal beliefs. We are free, but our freedom does not mean we can know for SURE what is right and what is wrong. Spiritual liberty means the freedom to be all that we were designed to be, but this is not a freedom that is without restrictions or responsibilities. Grace is about loving other people that we have the freedom to do so but at the same time, respect how they practice their beliefs. I followed various theologians from different background. Some are Reformed theologians (i.e. Calvinism) and some are not reformed (i.e. Arminianism). I also have Lutheran theologian books written by german Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of my favorite "Cost of Discipleship".

A true Christian praises God's glory: Psalm 18:1-3
A true Christian trusts in God's power: Psalm 31:23
A true Christian seeks communion with God: Ps. 63:1-3; Ps. 84:2-4
A true Christian enjoys God's peace: Psalm 119:165
A true Christian is sensitive to God: Ps. 69:9
A true Christian loves what God loves: Ps. 138:2; Psalm. 119
A true Christian loves whom God loves: First John 5:1-2
A true Christian hates what God hates: Matt. 26:75; 1 John 2:15
A true Christian longs for Christ's return: Second Timothy 4:8
A true Christian obeys God's commands: John 14:21; Rom. 7:22

The bottome line: I believe there is "NO" wrong way of worship since worship is spiritual from the heart. That's between God and the believer who worship. There are different preferences of beliefs and different style of worship. Some prefer one worship style while other prefer another worship style. Christians sometimes follow their conscience on their worship preferences.