Conservative Moderate Christian
I did some research so I will post and take a break.
Moderates are in short, hold their conservative positions on most issues but have an underlying worldview of what is neo-orthodox and liberalism. Typically, neo-orthodoxy often focus on orthodox view of Christianity while at the same time retains liberal view of the Bible as subject to error (human reasoning). As a moderate Christian, a person desires to be well-balanced, calm, careful, steady, and sane. "Moderate Christian" basically means those who are moderate, relaxed, and open in how they deal with the world, but who take Christianity seriously. Moderate’s character basically means a person whose primary form of witness is by their life, but they do not hide the fact that they are Christians and that they show their spiritual light through deeds first and then words.
I dislike the part about “view of the Bible as subject to error”. However, I like everything else (so far). You could say I could be labeled as “Moderate Conservative” which means I believe the Bible is not corrupted while man is corrupted of interpreting and reasoning. I do like the fact that moderate Christians often behave better and have better credibility. I also learned that Moderate Christians do NOT jump into conclusions during controversies.
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