God's Power: GRACE

If people are seeking God for their own selfishness (self-interest), this is where people will twist doctrines. Jesus cannot have disciples whose hearts are full of self-centered desires because disciples are to have Godly desires. Scriptures states that our own interests before God is sin, in God's point of view. The Word of God exposed the sin of self-interest and that we are to live God-centered and others-centered life. Before asking God to give us the desire of our heart, it is wise to ask Him to form the desire heart according to His will. That will mean heart desires that glorify Him not us and that is to our best interest. We can hold a correct view of truth only by daring to believe everything God has said about Himself. It is a grave responsibility when we take upon ourselves when we seek to edit out of God's true character for the benefits of ourselves. As Christians, our hearts should have strong desire to serve God through the Holy Spirit. If we do that, we will be motivated to fellowship with other Christians without reservations.
God is asking us to surrender our selfish little kingdom and interests and focus on HIS. Whosoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 10:38-39). By His words, Christ exposed the evil of self-interest and by His cross He demonstrated pure selfless love. The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9).
The power of Grace through the Holy Spirit is my strength that I am able to boast and win for Christ at all costs (see 2 Corinthians 12:1-12). God is saying "You should not have self-confidence and trust in yourself in the sense you believe you're capable of anything eternal that only I can provide grace and power." God's power is GRACE. Christ is our strength, our enablement. We are hopelessly weak in ourselves but powerfully strong in Him! The Gospel transforms us with the power of the Word, we do have God's grace power in our lives as long as we are obedience to His will.
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